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Cлово "GULDEN"

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1. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 17
Входимость: 20. Размер: 27кб.
2. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XII
Входимость: 19. Размер: 31кб.
3. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XVII
Входимость: 17. Размер: 25кб.
4. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 17
Входимость: 14. Размер: 26кб.
5. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XI
Входимость: 11. Размер: 22кб.
6. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter X
Входимость: 11. Размер: 31кб.
7. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter IV
Входимость: 10. Размер: 13кб.
8. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter II
Входимость: 10. Размер: 15кб.
9. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 12
Входимость: 8. Размер: 30кб.
10. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XIV
Входимость: 6. Размер: 22кб.
11. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 4
Входимость: 5. Размер: 14кб.
12. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 4
Входимость: 5. Размер: 14кб.
13. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 11
Входимость: 4. Размер: 24кб.
14. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 11
Входимость: 4. Размер: 23кб.
15. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 2
Входимость: 4. Размер: 16кб.
16. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 12
Входимость: 4. Размер: 30кб.
17. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 2
Входимость: 3. Размер: 15кб.
18. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 23кб.
19. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XIII
Входимость: 2. Размер: 28кб.
20. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter V
Входимость: 2. Размер: 19кб.
21. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter VII
Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
22. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 25кб.
23. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 25кб.
24. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter VI
Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.

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1. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 17
Входимость: 20. Размер: 27кб.
Часть текста: estúpido que moralizar ahora. Oh, hombres satisfechos de sí mismos! Con qué orgullosa jactancia se disponen esos charlatanes a recitar sus propias máximas! Si supieran cómo yo mismo comprendo lo abominable de mi situación actual, no se atreverían a darme lecciones. Porque vamos a ver, qué pueden decirme que yo no sepa? Y acaso se trata de eso? De lo que se trata es de que basta un giro de la rueda para que todo cambie, y de que estos moralistas -estoy seguro de ello- serán entonces los primeros en venir a felicitarme con chanzas amistosas. Y no me volverán la espalda, como lo hacen ahora. Que se vayan a freír espárragos! Qué soy yo ahora? Un cero a la izquierda. Qué puedo ser mañana? Mañana puedo resucitar de entre los muertos Y empezar a vivir de nuevo. Aún puedo, mientras viva, rescatar al hombre que va dentro de mí. En efecto, fui entonces a Homburg, pero... más tarde estuve otra vez en Roulettenburg, estuve también en Spa, estuve incluso en Baden, adonde fui como ayuda de cámara del Consejero Hinze, un bribón que fue mi amo aquí. Sí, también...
2. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XII
Входимость: 19. Размер: 31кб.
Часть текста: to her the Baron and Baroness Burmergelm walking to the Casino, she merely looked at them in an absent-minded sort of way, and said with complete indifference, "Ah!" Then, turning sharply to Potapitch and Martha, who were walking behind us, she rapped out: "Why have YOU attached yourselves to the party? We are not going to take you with us every time. Go home at once." Then, when the servants had pulled hasty bows and departed, she added to me: "You are all the escort I need." At the Casino the Grandmother seemed to be expected, for no time was lost in procuring her former place beside the croupier. It is my opinion that though croupiers seem such ordinary, humdrum officials--men who care nothing whether the bank wins or loses--they are, in reality, anything but indifferent to the bank's losing, and are given instructions to attract players, and to keep a watch over the bank's interests; as also, that for such services, these officials are awarded prizes and premiums. At all events, the croupiers of Roulettenberg seemed to look upon the Grandmother as their lawful prey-- whereafter there befell what our party had foretold. It happened thus: As soon as ever we arrived the Grandmother ordered me to stake twelve ten-gulden pieces in succession upon zero. Once, twice, and thrice I did so, yet zero never turned up. "Stake again," said the old lady with an impatient nudge of my elbow, and I obeyed. "How many times have we lost? " she inquired--actually grinding her teeth in her...
3. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XVII
Входимость: 17. Размер: 25кб.
Часть текста: year and a half have passed, yet I am in a worse position than the meanest beggar. But what is a beggar? A fig for beggary! I have ruined myself --that is all. Nor is there anything with which I can compare myself; there is no moral which it would be of any use for you to read to me. At the present moment nothing could well be more incongruous than a moral. Oh, you self-satisfied persons who, in your unctuous pride, are forever ready to mouth your maxims--if only you knew how fully I myself comprehend the sordidness of my present state, you would not trouble to wag your tongues at me! What could you say to me that I do not already know? Well, wherein lies my difficulty? It lies in the fact that by a single turn of a roulette wheel everything for me, has become changed. Yet, had things befallen otherwise, these moralists would have been among the first (yes, I feel persuaded of it) to approach me with friendly jests and congratulations. Yes, they would never have turned from me as they are doing now! A fig for all of them! What am I? I am...
4. Dostoevsky. Il giocatore (Italian, Игрок). Capitolo 17
Входимость: 14. Размер: 26кб.
Часть текста: un anno e mezzo e sono diventato, a mio parere, peggio di un mendicante! Ma che mendicante! Me ne infischio della mendicità! Mi sono semplicemente rovinato! Del resto, non c'è quasi niente con cui poter fare confronti, e è proprio inutile farsi la morale. Niente ci può essere di più assurdo, al giorno d'oggi, della morale! Oh, gli uomini soddisfatti di se stessi, con quale orgoglioso compiacimento sono pronti, quei chiacchieroni, a pronunciare la loro sentenza! Se sapessero fino a che punto io stesso capisco tutto quanto c'è di ripugnante nella mia attuale situazione, non muoverebbero certo la lingua per darmi insegnamenti. E poi, che cosa possono dirmi di nuovo, che io già non sappia? Ma si tratta forse di questo? Il fatto è che basta un giro di ruota per cambiare tutto, e quegli stessi moralisti verrebbero per primi (ne sono convinto) a rallegrarsi amichevolmente con me. E allora non mi volterebbero le spalle come fanno adesso. Ma me ne infischio di tutti loro! Che cosa sono io, adesso? Uno zero. Che cosa posso essere domani? Domani posso risuscitare dai morti e ricominciare a vivere! Posso ritrovare in me l'uomo, fino a che non è ancora perduto! Allora andai davvero a Homburg ma... poi fui di nuovo a Roulettenburg, fui a Spa, fui anche a Baden, dove andai come cameriere del consigliere Hinze, un mascalzone che fu già mio padrone qui. Sì, perché ho fatto anche il lacchè per cinque mesi interi! Questo accadde subito dopo la prigione (perché sono stato anche in prigione a Roulettenburg, per un debito fatto qui. Uno sconosciuto pagò per me il riscatto. Chi? Mister Astley? Polina? Non lo so, ma il debito,...
5. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XI
Входимость: 11. Размер: 22кб.
Часть текста: were visibly impressed. Everywhere people kept pointing to the Grandmother, and talking about her. Many people even walked beside her chair, in order to view her the better while, at a little distance, Astley was carrying on a conversation on the subject with two English acquaintances of his. De Griers was simply overflowing with smiles and compliments, and a number of fine ladies were staring at the Grandmother as though she had been something curious. "Quelle victoire!" exclaimed De Griers. "Mais, Madame, c'etait du feu!" added Mlle. Blanche with an elusive smile. "Yes, I have won twelve thousand florins," replied the old lady. "And then there is all this gold. With it the total ought to come to nearly thirteen thousand. How much is that in Russian money? Six thousand roubles, I think?" However, I calculated that the sum would exceed seven thousand roubles--or, at the present rate of exchange, even eight thousand. "Eight thousand roubles! What a splendid thing! And to think of you simpletons sitting there and doing nothing! Potapitch! Martha! See what I have won!" "How DID you do it, Madame?" Martha exclaimed ecstatically. "Eight thousand roubles!" "And I am going to give you fifty gulden apiece. There they are." Potapitch and Martha rushed towards her to kiss her hand. "And to each bearer also I will give a ten-gulden piece. Let them have it out of the gold, Alexis Ivanovitch. But why...
6. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter X
Входимость: 11. Размер: 31кб.
Часть текста: separate room for her maid, and so on. In fact, during the previous week the suite had been occupied by no less a personage than a Grand Duchess: which circumstance was duly explained to the new occupant, as an excuse for raising the price of these apartments. The Grandmother had herself carried-- or, rather, wheeled--through each room in turn, in order that she might subject the whole to a close and attentive scrutiny; while the landlord--an elderly, bald-headed man--walked respectfully by her side. What every one took the Grandmother to be I do not know, but it appeared, at least, that she was accounted a person not only of great importance, but also, and still more, of great wealth; and without delay they entered her in the hotel register as "Madame la Generale, Princesse de Tarassevitcheva," although she had never been a princess in her life. Her retinue, her reserved compartment in the train, her pile of unnecessary trunks, portmanteaux, and strong-boxes, all helped to increase her prestige; while her wheeled chair, her sharp tone and voice, her eccentric questions (put with an air of the most overbearing and unbridled imperiousness), her whole figure--upright, rugged, and commanding as it was--completed the general awe in...
7. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter IV
Входимость: 10. Размер: 13кб.
Часть текста: IV Today has been a day of folly, stupidity, and ineptness. The time is now eleven o'clock in the evening, and I am sitting in my room and thinking. It all began, this morning, with my being forced to go and play roulette for Polina Alexandrovna. When she handed me over her store of six hundred gulden I exacted two conditions --namely, that I should not go halves with her in her winnings, if any (that is to say, I should not take anything for myself), and that she should explain to me, that same evening, why it was so necessary for her to win, and how much was the sum which she needed. For, I could not suppose that she was doing all this merely for the sake of money. Yet clearly she did need some money, and that as soon as possible, and for a special purpose. Well, she promised to explain matters, and I departed. There was a tremendous crowd in the gaming-rooms. What an arrogant, greedy crowd it was! I pressed forward towards the middle of the room until I had secured a seat at a croupier's elbow. Then I began to play in timid fashion, venturing only twenty or thirty gulden at a time. Meanwhile, I observed and took notes. It seemed to me that calculation was superfluous, and by no means possessed of the importance which certain...
8. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter II
Входимость: 10. Размер: 15кб.
Часть текста: are not paid for doing so: they write thus merely out of a spirit of disinterested complaisance. For there is nothing splendid about the establishments in question; and, not only are there no heaps of gold to be seen lying on their tables, but also there is very little money to be seen at all. Of course, during the season, some madman or another may make his appearance--generally an Englishman, or an Asiatic, or a Turk--and (as had happened during the summer of which I write) win or lose a great deal; but, as regards the rest of the crowd, it plays only for petty gulden, and seldom does much wealth figure on the board. When, on the present occasion, I entered the gaming-rooms (for the first time in my life), it was several moments before I could even make up my mind to play. For one thing, the crowd oppressed me. Had I been playing for myself, I think I should have left at once, and never have embarked upon gambling at all, for I could feel my heart beginning to beat, and my heart was anything but cold-blooded. Also, I knew, I had long ago made up my mind, that never should I depart from Roulettenberg until some radical, some final, change had taken place in my fortunes. Thus, it must and would be. However ridiculous it may seem to you that I was expecting to win at roulette, I look upon the generally accepted opinion concerning the folly and the grossness of hoping to win at gambling as a thing even more absurd. For why is gambling a whit worse than any other method of acquiring money? How, for instance, is it worse than trade? True, out of a hundred persons, only one can win; yet what business is that of yours or of mine? At all events, I confined myself at first simply to looking on, and decided to attempt nothing serious. Indeed, I felt that, if I began to do anything at all, I should do it in an absent-minded, haphazard sort of way--of that I felt certain. Also. it behoved me to learn the game itself; since, despite a thousand descriptions ...
9. Dostoevsky. El jugador (Spanish. Игрок). Capítulo 12
Входимость: 8. Размер: 30кб.
Часть текста: y dijo con completa indiferencia: "Ah!". Se volvió de pronto a Potapych y Marfa, que venían detrás, y les dijo secamente: -Vamos a ver, por qué me venís siguiendo? No voy a traeros todas las veces! Idos a casa! Contigo me basta -añadió dirigiéndose a mí cuando los otros se apresuraron a despedirse y volvieron sobre sus pasos. En el Casino ya esperaban a la abuela. Al momento le hicieron sitio en el mismo lugar de antes, junto al crupier. Se me antoja que estos crupieres, siempre tan finos y tan empeñados en no parecer sino empleados ordinarios a quienes les da igual que la banca gane o pierda, no son en realidad indiferentes a que la banca pierda, y por supuesto reciben instrucciones para atraer jugadores y aumentar los beneficios oficiales; a este fin reciben sin duda premios y gratificaciones. Sea como fuere, miraban ya a la abuela como víctima. Acabó por suceder lo que veníamos temiendo. He aquí cómo pasó la cosa. La abuela se lanzó sin más sobre...
10. Dostoevsky. The Gambler (English. Игрок). Chapter XIV
Входимость: 6. Размер: 22кб.
Часть текста: and laid upon it an open letter. "Read it," she added. "It is De Griers' handwriting!" I cried as I seized the document. My hands were so tremulous that the lines on the pages danced before my eyes. Although, at this distance of time, I have forgotten the exact phraseology of the missive, I append, if not the precise words, at all events the general sense. "Mademoiselle," the document ran, "certain untoward circumstances compel me to depart in haste. Of course, you have of yourself remarked that hitherto I have always refrained from having any final explanation with you, for the reason that I could not well state the whole circumstances; and now to my difficulties the advent of the aged Grandmother, coupled with her subsequent proceedings, has put the final touch. Also, the involved state of my affairs forbids me to write with any finality concerning those hopes of ultimate bliss upon which, for a long while past, I have permitted myself to feed. I regret the past, but at the same time hope that in my conduct you have never been able to detect anything that was unworthy of a gentleman and a man of honour. Having lost, however, almost the whole of my money in debts incurred ...