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1. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter VII
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2. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part IV. Chapter II
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3. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part III. Book VIII. Mitya. Chapter 3.Gold Mines
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4. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Tercera parte. Libro VIII. Mitia. Capitulo III. Las minas de oro
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5. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part II. Chapter V
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6. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter VI
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1. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter VII
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Часть текста: so gaily and carelessly laughed and jested with her father and me at supper afterwards; was it the same Natasha who in that very room had said "Yes" to me, hanging her head and flushing all over? We heard the deep note of the bell ringing for vespers. She started. Anna Andreyevna crossed herself. "You're ready for church, Natasha, and they're ringing for the service. Go, Natasha, go and pray. It's a good thing it's so near. And you'll get a walk, too, at the same time. Why sit shut up indoors? See how pale you are, as though you were bewitched." "Perhaps... I won't go. . . to-day," said Natasha slowly, in a low voice, almost a whisper. "I'm. . . not well," she added, and turned white as a sheet. "You'd better go, Natasha. You wanted to just now and fetched your hat. Pray, Natasha, pray that God may give you good health," Anna Andreyevna persuaded her daughter, looking timidly at her, as though she were afraid of her. "Yes, go, and it will be a walk for you, too," the old man added, and he, too, looked uneasily at his daughter. "Mother is right. Here, Vanya will escort you." I fancied that Natasha's lips curled in a bitter smile. She went to the piano, picked up her hat and put it on. Her hands were trembling. All her movements seemed as it were unconscious, as though she did not know what she were doing. Her father and mother watched her attentively. "Good-bye," she said, hardly audibly. "My angel, why 'good-bye'? Is it so faraway? A blow in the ...
2. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part IV. Chapter II
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Часть текста: is understood, but to this day I do not know the secrets of that sick, tortured and outraged little heart. I feel that I am digressing, but at this moment I want to think only of Nellie. Strange to say, now that I am lying alone on a hospital bed, abandoned by all whom I loved so fondly and intensely, some trivial incident of that past, often unnoticed at the time and soon forgotten, comes back all at once to my mind and suddenly takes quite a new significance, completing and explaining to me what I had failed to understand till now. For the first four days of her illness, we, the doctor and I, were in great alarm about her, but on the fifth day the doctor took me aside and told me that there was no reason for anxiety and she would certainly recover. This doctor was the one I had known so long, a good-natured and eccentric old bachelor whom I had called in in Nellie's first illness, and who had so impressed her by the huge Stanislav Cross on his breast. "So there's no reason for anxiety," I said, greatly relieved. "No, she'll get well this time, but afterwards she will soon die." "Die! But why?" I cried, overwhelmed at this death sentence. "Yes, she is...
3. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part III. Book VIII. Mitya. Chapter 3.Gold Mines
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Часть текста: suddenly burst in on her. The rest we know already. To get him off her hands she suggested at once that he should walk with her to Samsonov's, where she said she absolutely must go "to settle his accounts," and when Mitya accompanied her at once, she said good-bye to him at the gate, making him promise to come at twelve o'clock to take her home again. Mitya, too, was delighted at this arrangement. If she was sitting at Samsonov's she could not be going to Fyodor Pavlovitch's, "if only she's not lying," he added at once. But he thought she was not lying from what he saw. He was that sort of jealous man who, in the absence of the beloved woman, at once invents all sorts of awful fancies of what may be happening to her, and how she may be betraying him, but, when shaken, heartbroken, convinced of her faithlessness, he runs back to her, at the first glance at her face, her gay, laughing, affectionate face, he revives at once, lays aside all suspicion and with joyful shame abuses himself for his...
4. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Tercera parte. Libro VIII. Mitia. Capitulo III. Las minas de oro
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Часть текста: le había hecho prometer que volvería por ella a medianoche. Esto tranquilizó a Dmitri, que se dijo: "Si está en casa de Samsonov, no irá a reunirse con Fiodor Pavlovitch." Pero añadió en seguida: "A menos que me haya mentido. " Mitia la creía sincera, pero, cuando estaba lejos de ella, los celos le llevaban a imaginarse que le hacia toda clase de "traiciones". Cuando volvía a su lado estaba trastornado, convencido de su desgracia; pero apenas veía el bello rostro de su amada, se operaba en él un profundo cambio, olvidaba sus sospechas y se avergonzaba de sus celos. Volvió presuroso a su alojamiento. Tenía tantas cosas que hacer...! Se sentía más animado. "He de enterarme por Smerdiakov de lo que ocurrió ayer por la noche. Iría Gruchegnka a casa de mi padre? Esto sería horrible." Así, aún no había llegado a su casa y ya apuntaban los celos en su inquieto corazón. Los celos!......
5. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part II. Chapter V
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Часть текста: why should I go up to a man if I see he's trying to avoid me? And do you know what I believe? If you weren't drunk you wouldn't have called to me even now. That's true, isn't it? Well, how are you? I'm very, very glad to have met you, my boy." "Really? And I'm not compromising you by my. . . 'unconventional' appearance? But there's no need to ask that. It's not a great matter; I always remember what a jolly chap you were, old Vanya. Do you remember you took a thrashing for me? You held your tongue and didn't give me away, and, instead of being grateful, I jeered at you for a week afterwards. You're a blessed innocent! Glad to see you, my dear soul!" (We kissed each other.) "How many years I've been pining in solitude - 'From morn till night, from dark till light but I've not forgotten old times. They're not easy to forget. But what have you been doing, what have you been doing?" "I? Why, I'm pining in solitude, too." He gave me a long look, full of the deep feeling of a man slightly inebriated; though he was a very good-natured fellow at any time. "No, Vanya, your case is not like mine," he brought out at last in a tragic tone. "I've read it, Vanya, you know, I've read it, I've read it! ... But I say, let us have a good talk! Are you in a hurry?" "I am in a hurry, and I must confess I'm very much upset about something. I'll tell you what's better. Where do you live?" "I'll tell you. But that's not better; shall I tell you what is better?" "Why,...
6. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter VI
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Часть текста: fruit-paste, jelly, French preserves, oranges, apples, and three or four sorts of nuts; in fact, a regular fruit-shop. On a third table, covered with a snow-white cloth, there were savouries of different sorts - caviar, cheese, a pie, sausage, smoked ham, fish and a row of fine glass decanters containing spirits of many sorts, and of the most attractive colours - green, ruby, brown and gold. Finally on a little table on one side - also covered with a white cloth - there were two bottles of champagne. On a table before the sofa there were three bottles containing Sauterne, Lafitte, and Cognac, very expensive brands from Eliseyev's. Alexandra Semyonovna was sitting at the tea-table, and though her dress and general get-up was simple, they had evidently been the subject of thought and attention, and the result was indeed very successful. She knew what suited her, and evidently took pride in it. She got up to meet me with some ceremony. Her fresh little face beamed with pleasure and satisfaction. Maslo- boev was wearing gorgeous Chinese slippers, a sumptuous dressing- gown, and dainty clean linen. Fashionable studs and buttons were conspicuous on his shirt everywhere where they could possibly be attached. His hair had been pomaded, and combed with a fashionable side parting. I was so much taken aback that I stopped short in the middle of the room and gazed open-mouthed,...