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1. Библиография работ, посвященных роману "Братья Карамазовы" , за последние четыре десятилетия. Составитель Т. А. Касаткина
Входимость: 12. Размер: 114кб.
2. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Epilogue
Входимость: 6. Размер: 63кб.
3. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter VI. Pyotr Stepanovitch is busy
Входимость: 6. Размер: 105кб.
4. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter V
Входимость: 5. Размер: 9кб.
5. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part III. Chapter XIII
Входимость: 5. Размер: 32кб.
6. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter IV. All in expectation
Входимость: 5. Размер: 55кб.
7. Марсия Моррис (США). Где же ты, брате? Повествования на границе и восстановление связности в "Братьях Карамазовых". Перевод с английского Т. Касаткиной под ред. О. Меерсон
Входимость: 4. Размер: 67кб.
8. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter VI
Входимость: 3. Размер: 18кб.
9. Сборник статей. Роман Ф. М. Достоевского "Братья Карамазовы". Сведения об авторах
Входимость: 3. Размер: 16кб.
10. Dostoevsky. Poor Folk (English. Бедные люди). Page 3
Входимость: 3. Размер: 45кб.
11. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter IX
Входимость: 3. Размер: 18кб.
12. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter III
Входимость: 3. Размер: 14кб.
13. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter XV
Входимость: 3. Размер: 27кб.
14. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part II. Chapter IX
Входимость: 2. Размер: 15кб.
15. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part III. Chapter V
Входимость: 2. Размер: 52кб.
16. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part IV. Chapter I
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17. Орнатская Т. И., Туниманов В. А.: Достоевский
Входимость: 2. Размер: 86кб.
18. Dostoevsky. The Double (English. Двойник). Chapter XIII
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19. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 80кб.
20. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment (English. Преступление и наказание). Part five. Chapter Two
Входимость: 2. Размер: 30кб.
21. Dostoevsky. Notes from the Underground (English. Записки из подполья). Part II. Chapter I
Входимость: 2. Размер: 28кб.
22. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part I. Chapter III. The sins of others
Входимость: 2. Размер: 104кб.
23. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter X
Входимость: 2. Размер: 48кб.
24. Ольга Меерсон (США). Четвёртый брат или козёл отпущения ex machina?
Входимость: 2. Размер: 104кб.
25. Каталин Кроо (Венгрия). "Гимн" с "секретом": К вопросу авторефлексивной поэтики романа Ф. М. Достоевского "Братья Карамазовы"
Входимость: 2. Размер: 60кб.
26. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter VIII
Входимость: 2. Размер: 19кб.
27. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 26кб.
28. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part IV. Chapter III
Входимость: 2. Размер: 14кб.
29. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter VII
Входимость: 2. Размер: 7кб.
30. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter X
Входимость: 2. Размер: 11кб.
31. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part II. Chapter XI
Входимость: 1. Размер: 20кб.
32. Ломов В. М.: 100 великих романов. Уильям Мейкпис Теккерей: "Ярмарка тщеславия. Роман без героя"
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33. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part III. Book VIII. Mitya. Chapter 1. Kuzma Samsonov
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34. Ричард Пис (Великобритания). Правосудие и наказание: "Братья Карамазовы". Перевод с английского Т. Касаткиной
Входимость: 1. Размер: 72кб.
35. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter VII. A meeting
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36. Dostoevsky. Poor Folk (English. Бедные люди). Page 4
Входимость: 1. Размер: 47кб.
37. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part III. Chapter XI
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38. Касаткина Т. А. (Москва). "Братья Карамазовы": опыт микроанализа текста
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39. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part I. Chapter XIV
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40. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment (English. Преступление и наказание). Part six. Chapter Seven
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41. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part IV. Book X. The Boys. Chapter 6.Precocity
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42. Фридлендер Г. М.: Реализм Достоевского. Глава IV. Достоевский и русский классический роман XIX века. "Преступление и наказание". Страница 2
Входимость: 1. Размер: 95кб.
43. Dostoevsky. Notes from the Underground (English. Записки из подполья). Part II. Chapter IV
Входимость: 1. Размер: 22кб.
44. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter II
Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
45. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part III. Chapter VI
Входимость: 1. Размер: 40кб.
46. Фридлендер Г. М.: Реализм Достоевского. Глава IV. Достоевский и русский классический роман XIX века. "Преступление и наказание". Страница 1
Входимость: 1. Размер: 94кб.
47. Дебора Мартинсен (США). Первородный стыд. Перевод с английского Т. Касаткиной
Входимость: 1. Размер: 43кб.
48. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part I. Chapter XV
Входимость: 1. Размер: 23кб.
49. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter I. Night
Входимость: 1. Размер: 116кб.
50. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part III. Chapter VIII
Входимость: 1. Размер: 34кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Библиография работ, посвященных роману "Братья Карамазовы" , за последние четыре десятилетия. Составитель Т. А. Касаткина
Входимость: 12. Размер: 114кб.
Часть текста: С. 9-11. 4.  Альми ИЛ. О художественно-идеологическом смысле главы "Черт. Кошмар Ивана Федоровича" // Достоевский и современность. Новгород, 1992. Ч. 2. С. 1-4. 5.  Альми ИЛ. Об одной из глав романа "Братья Карамазовы" ("Черт. Кошмар Ивана Федоровича") // Достоевский и мировая культура. М., 1996. № 7. С. 4-17. То же // Альми ИЛ. Статьи о поэзии и прозе. Владимир, 1999. Кн. 2. С. 105-120. 6.   Альми ИЛ. Роль стихотворной вставки в системе идеологического романа Достоевского // Альми И. Л. Статьи о поэзии и прозе. Владимир, 1999. Кн. 2. С. 170-188. 7.  Альми ИЛ. Поэтика образов праведников в поздних романах Достоевского: (Пафос умиления и характер его воплощения в фигурах странника Макара и старца Зосимы) // Достоевский: Материалы и исследования. СПб., 2000. Т. 15. С. 264-272. То же // Альми И. Л. Статьи о поэзии и прозе. Владимир, 1999. Кн. 2. С. 121-131. 8.  Артемьева СВ. Случаи цитирования Ф. М. Достоевским Откровения Иоанна...
2. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Epilogue
Входимость: 6. Размер: 63кб.
Часть текста: up my writing, my work, and my publisher, and to rush off to my friends at Vassilyevsky Island. But great as the tempt- ation was, I succeeded in mastering myself and fell upon my work again with a sort of fury. At all costs I had to finish it. My publisher had demanded it and would not pay me without. I was expected there, but, on the other hand, by the evening I should be free, absolutely free as the wind, and that evening would make up to me for the last two days and nights, during which I had written three and a half signatures. And now at last the work was finished. I threw down my pen and got up, with a pain in my chest and my back and a heaviness in my head. I knew that at that moment my nerves were strained to the utmost pitch, and I seemed to hear the last words my old doctor had said to me. "No, no health could stand such a strain, because it's im- possible." So far, however, it had been possible! My head was going round, I could scarcely stand upright, but my heart was filled with joy, infinite joy. My novel was finished and, although I owed my publisher a great deal, he would certainly give me something when he found the prize in his hands - if only fifty roubles, and it was ages since I had had so much as that. Freedom and money! I snatched up my hat in delight, and with my manuscript under my arm I ran at full speed to find our precious Alexandr Petrovitch at home. I found him, but he was on the point of going out. He, too, had just completed a very profitable stroke of business, though not a literary one, and as he was at last escorting to the door a swarthy-faced Jew with whom he had been sitting for the last two...
3. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter VI. Pyotr Stepanovitch is busy
Входимость: 6. Размер: 105кб.
Часть текста: Yulia Mihailovna seriously uneasy. Indeed, things were not altogether satisfactory. Our mild governor had left the affairs of the province a little out of gear; at the moment we were threatened with cholera; serious outbreaks of cattle plague had appeared in several places; fires were prevalent that summer in towns and villages; whilst among the peasantry foolish rumours of incendiarism grew stronger and stronger. Cases of robbery were twice as numerous as usual. But all this, of course, would have been perfectly ordinary had there been no other and more weighty reasons to disturb the equanimity of Audrey Antonovitch, who had till then been in good spirits. What struck Yulia Mihailovna most of all was that he became more silent and, strange to say, more secretive every day. Yet it was hard to imagine what he had to hide. It is true that he rarely opposed her and as a rule followed her lead without question. At her instigation, for instance, two or three regulations of a risky and hardly legal character were introduced with the object of strengthening the authority of the governor. There were several ominous instances of transgressions being condoned with the same end in ...
4. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter V
Входимость: 5. Размер: 9кб.
Часть текста: hiding herself from me - and what a joy there was in this discovery. After moving to Petersburg the old man was at first irritable and gloomy. Things were going badly with him. He was indignant, flew into rages, was immersed in business documents, and had no thoughts to spare for us. Anna Andreyevna wandered about like one distraught, and at first could comprehend nothing. Petersburg alarmed her. She sighed and was full of misgivings, she wept for her old surroundings, for Ichmenyevka, worried at the thought that Natasha was grown up and that there was no one to think about her, and she lapsed into strange confidences with me for lack of a more suitable recipient of them. It was not long before their arrival that I finished my first novel, the one with which my literary career began, and being a novice I did not know at first what to do with it. I said nothing about it at the Ichmenyevs. They almost quarrelled with me for leading an idle life, that is, not being in the service and not trying to get a post. The old man bitterly and irritably reproached me, from fatherly solicitude, of course. I was simply ashamed to tell him what I was doing. But how was I to tell them straight out that I did not want to enter the service, but wanted to write novels? And so I deceived them for the time, saying that I had not found a post, ...
5. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part III. Chapter XIII
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Часть текста: accept, especially as he is not in the least mad now. But the "second self" I do accept unquestionably. What is a second self exactly? The second self, according to a medical book, written by an expert, which I purposely read afterwards, is nothing else than the first stage of serious mental derangement, which may lead to something very bad. And in that scene at my mother's, Versilov himself had with strange frankness described the "duality" of his will and feelings. But I repeat again: though that scene at mother's and that broken ikon were undoubtedly partly due to the influence of a real "second self," yet I have ever since been haunted by the fancy that there was in it an element of a sort of vindictive symbolism, a sort of resentment against the expectations of those women, a sort of angry revolt against their rights and their criticism. And so hand in hand with the "second self" he broke the ikon, as though to say "that's how your expectations will be shattered!" In fact, even though the "second self" did come in, it was partly simply a whim. . . . But all this is only my theory; it would be hard to decide for certain. It is true that in spite of his adoration for Katerina Nikolaevna, he had a deep-rooted and perfectly genuine disbelief in her moral qualities. I really believe that he waited outside the door then, to see her humiliated...
6. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter IV. All in expectation
Входимость: 5. Размер: 55кб.
Часть текста: with which every one hastened to take up the cudgels for Nikolay Vsyevolodovitch. Many of his former enemies declared themselves his friends. The chief reason for this change of front in public opinion was chiefly due to one person, who had hitherto not expressed her opinion, but who now very distinctly uttered a few words, which at once gave the event a significance exceedingly interesting to the vast majority. This was how it happened. On the day after the duel, all the town was assembled at the Marshal of Nobility's in honour of his wife's nameday. Yulia Mihailovna was present, or, rather, presided, accompanied by Lizaveta Nikolaevna, radiant with beauty and peculiar gaiety, which struck many of our ladies at once as particularly suspicious at this time. And I may mention, by the way, her engagement to Mavriky Nikolaevitch was by now an established fact. To a playful question from a retired general of much consequence, of whom we shall have more to say later, Lizaveta Nikolaevna frankly replied that evening that she was engaged. And only imagine, not one of our ladies would believe in her engagement. They all persisted in assuming a romance of some sort, some fatal family secret, something that had happened in Switzerland, and for some reason imagined that Yulia...
7. Марсия Моррис (США). Где же ты, брате? Повествования на границе и восстановление связности в "Братьях Карамазовых". Перевод с английского Т. Касаткиной под ред. О. Меерсон
Входимость: 4. Размер: 67кб.
Часть текста: 1 Роману "Братья Карамазовы" предпослан образ "брата", заключенный в самом названии и, таким образом, намекающий на два тесно взаимосвязанных вопроса, отзывающихся настойчиво - пусть и по-разному - во многих томах Священного Писания: что значит братство? и - какие же обязанности оно на нас налагает? 2 Это, в конечном счете, вопросы нравственные, и автору, конечно, нет нужды облекать поиск ответа на них непосредственно в библейскую форму. В "Братьях Карамазовых", однако, Достоевский избирает, в значительной степени, именно этот путь. И сущность его рассуждений о братстве, и используемый язык, которым он славит признание и восстановление братства, покоятся на библейских прецедентах. Данная статья будет рассматривать природу нравственных дилемм, формулируемых Достоевским, и особые повествовательные стратегии, которые он использует при подходе к ним 3 . Первое, что следует выяснить, это - кто братья в романе и как они взаимодействуют друг с другом. Достоевский первоначально подтасовывает карты в пользу довольно обыденного прочтения братства. В книге первой он называет главы: "Первого сына спровадил", "Второй брак и вторые дети", "Третий сын Алёша", казалось бы, соглашаясь с повествователем, что в наличии имеются три брата. Он добавляет главу, названную "Старцы", для полноты картины, давая нам понять, что монахи - тоже братья. По мере продвижения романа, однако, становится все яснее, что то, что мы столь легко определили, неверно. Три брата, открыто названные таковыми, входят в тесную вязь отношений с другими персонажами, которые, так или иначе, предъявляют и свои права на братство....
8. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part I. Chapter VI
Входимость: 3. Размер: 18кб.
Часть текста: down-trodden, rather foolish clerk, with buttons missing from his uniform; and all this written in such simple language, exactly as we talk ourselves... Strange! Anna Andreyevna looked inquiringly at Nikolay Sergeyitch, and seemed positively pouting a little as though she were resentful. "Is it really worth while to print and read such nonsense, and they pay money for it, too," was written on her face. Natasha was all attention, she listened greedily, never taking her eyes off me, watching my lips as I pronounced each word, moving her own pretty lips after me. And yet before I had read half of it, tears were falling from the eyes of all three of them. Anna Andreyevna was genuinely crying, feeling for the troubles of my hero with all her heart, and longing with great naivety to help him in some way out of his troubles, as I gathered from her exclamations. The old man had already abandoned all hopes of anything elevated. "From the first step it's clear that you'll never be at the top of the tree; there it is, it's simply a little story; but it wrings your heart," he said, "and what's happening all round one grows easier to understand, and to remember, and one learns that the most down-trodden, humblest man is a man, too, and a brother." Natasha listened, cried, and squeezed my hand tight by stealth under the table. The reading was over. She got up, her cheeks were flushed, tears stood in her eyes. All at once she snatched my hand, kissed it, and ran out of the room. The father and mother looked at one another. "Hm ! what an enthusiastic creature she is," said the old man, struck by his daughter's behaviour. "That's nothing though, nothing, it's a good thing, a generous...
9. Сборник статей. Роман Ф. М. Достоевского "Братья Карамазовы". Сведения об авторах
Входимость: 3. Размер: 16кб.
Часть текста: русск. и англ. яз.) и многих статей и публикаций, посвященных творчеству Достоевского. Борисова Валентина Васильевна - доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры русской литературы Башкирского государственного педагогического университета (Уфа), автор монографии "Национальное и религиозное в творчестве Ф. М. Достоевского (проблема этноконфессионального синтеза)" (1997), ряда статей в альманахах "Достоевский и мировая культура", в сборниках "Достоевский и современность", "Достоевский. Материалы и исследования". Бочаров Сергей Георгиевич - кандидат филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института мировой литературы им. А. М. Горького РАН (Москва). Автор 5 книг (в том числе: "Сюжеты русской литературы" (1999)) и около 300 публикаций. 6-я книга - "Филологические сюжеты" - выходит в начале 2007 г. Власкин Александр Петрович - доктор филологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой русской классической литературы филологического факультета Магнитогорского государственного университета (МаГУ). Автор книг "Идеологический контекст в романе Ф. М. Достоевского" (1987), "Искания Ф. М. Достоевского в 1870-е годы" (1991), "Творчество Ф. М. Достоевского и народная религиозная культура" (1994), многих статей, посвященных творчеству Достоевского. Гачева Анастасия Георгиевна — кандидат филологических наук, старший научный сотрудник Института мировой литературы им. А. М. Горького РАН (Москва). Автор книг «"Нам не дано предугадать, Как слово наше отзовется...". Достоевский и Тютчев» (2004), "Философский контекст русской литературы...
10. Dostoevsky. Poor Folk (English. Бедные люди). Page 3
Входимость: 3. Размер: 45кб.
Часть текста: hurt at these things; my heart seemed to be over-charged, and to be calling for tears to relieve it. But why should I write this to you? It is difficult for my heart to express itself; still more difficult for it to forego self- expression. Yet possibly you may understand me. Tears and laughter! . . . How good you are, Makar Alexievitch! Yesterday you looked into my eyes as though you could read in them all that I was feeling--as though you were rejoicing at my happiness. Whether it were a group of shrubs or an alleyway or a vista of water that we were passing, you would halt before me, and stand gazing at my face as though you were showing me possessions of your own. It told me how kind is your nature, and I love you for it. Today I am again unwell, for yesterday I wetted my feet, and took a chill. Thedora also is unwell; both of us are ailing. Do not forget me. Come and see me as often as you can. --Your own, BARBARA ALEXIEVNA. June 12th. MY DEAREST BARBARA ALEXIEVNA--I had supposed that you meant to describe our doings of the other day in verse; yet from you there has arrived only a single sheet of writing. Nevertheless, I must say that, little though you have put into your letter, that little is not expressed with rare beauty and grace. Nature, your descriptions of rural scenes, your analysis of your own feelings- -the whole is beautifully written. Alas, I have no such talent! Though I may fill a score of pages, nothing comes of it-- I might as well...