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1. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Cuarta parte. Libro XII. Un error judicial. Capitulo VII. Resumen histórico
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2. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Segunda parte. Libro V. Pro y contra. Capitulo VI. Todavía reina la oscuridad
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3. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter II. Night (continued)
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4. Dostoevsky. The Double (English. Двойник). Chapter III
Входимость: 1. Размер: 19кб.
5. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part I. Chapter VII
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1. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Cuarta parte. Libro XII. Un error judicial. Capitulo VII. Resumen histórico
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Часть текста: juicio. Yo sostengo lo contrario, pero lo considero una desgracia para él, pues si no hubiera estado cuerdo, habría procedido de un modo menos disparatado. Acepto que sea un maníaco; pero sólo sobre un punto de los señalados por el peritaje: el de su furor cuando piensa en los tres mil rublos que, según él, le ha quitado su padre. Sin embargo, este furor puede tener una explicación mucho más lógica que la de la propensión a la locura. Comparto enteramente la opinión del más joven de los doctores, el cual afirma que el acusado goza y ha gozado siempre de sus facultades mentales y no es más que un hombre amargado y exasperado. Considero que su continua excitación no procedía sólo de la supuesta pérdida de tres mil rublos, sino que tenía otra causa: los celos. Al llegar a este punto, el fiscal habló extensamente de la fatal pasión del acusado por Gruchegnka. Empezó su relato por el momento en que Dmitri Fiodor Pavlovitch se presentó en casa de Gruchegnka "con ánimo de pegarle", según sus propias palabras. Pero, en vez de maltratarla, cayó a sus pies. -Tal fue el comienzo de este amor -continuó el fiscal-. Casi al mismo tiempo, el padre del acusado se prenda de Agrafena Alejandrovna. Coincidencia fatidica, y sorprendente, ya que los dos la habían conocido hacía algún tiempo. Los dos corazones se inflamaban de pasión, como es propio de los Karamazov. Nuestra joven ha dicho que se burlaba de uno y...
2. Dostoevsky. Los hermanos Karamazov (Spanish. Братья Карамазовы). Segunda parte. Libro V. Pro y contra. Capitulo VI. Todavía reina la oscuridad
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Часть текста: reina la oscuridad CAPITULO VI TODAVÍA REINA LA OSCURIDAD Después de haber dejado a Aliocha, Iván Fiodorovitch se dirigió a casa de su padre. De pronto -cosa extraña-, empezó a sentir una viva inquietud que iba en aumento a medida que se acercaba a la casa. Esta sensación le llenaba de estupor, pero no por sí misma, sino por la imposibilidad de definirla. Conocía la ansiedad por experiencia y no le sorprendía sentirla en aquellos momentos en que había roto con todo lo que le ligaba a aquella ciudad a iba a emprender un camino nuevo y desconocido, solo como siempre, lleno de una esperanza indeterminada, de una excesiva confianza en la vida, pero incapaz de precisar lo que de la vida esperaba. Sin embargo, no era la sensación de hallarse frente a lo desconocido lo que le atormentaba... "No será el disgusto que me inspira la casa de mi padre?", se dijo. Y añadió: "Es verdad, bien podría ser, hasta tal extremo me repugna, aunque hoy vaya a entrar en ella por última vez... Pero no, no es esto. La causa es los adioses de Aliocha después de nuestra conversación. He estado tanto tiempo callado, sin dignarme hablar, y total para acumular una serie de absurdos...!" En verdad, todo podía deberse al despecho propio de su inexperiencia y de su vanidad juveniles, despecho de no haber revelado su pensamiento ante un ser como Aliocha, del que él, en su fuero interno, esperaba mucho. Sin duda, este despecho...
3. Dostoevsky. The Possessed (English. Бесы). Part II. Chapter II. Night (continued)
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Часть текста: river. The houses were replaced by hovels; the street was lost in a multitude of irregular little alleys. Nikolay Vsyevolodovitch was a long while making his way between the fences, keeping close to the river bank, but finding his way confidently, and scarcely giving it a thought indeed. He was absorbed in something quite different, and looked round with surprise when suddenly, waking up from a profound reverie, he found himself almost in the middle of one long, wet, floating bridge. There was not a soul to be seen, so that it seemed strange to him when suddenly, almost at his elbow, he heard a deferentially familiar, but rather pleasant, voice, with a suave intonation, such as is affected by our over-refined tradespeople or befrizzled young shop assistants. “Will you kindly allow me, sir, to share your umbrella?” There actually was a figure that crept under his umbrella, or tried to appear to do so. The tramp was walking beside him, almost “feeling his elbow,” as the soldiers say. Slackening his pace, Nikolay Vsyevolodovitch bent down to look more closely, as far as he could, in the darkness. It was a...
4. Dostoevsky. The Double (English. Двойник). Chapter III
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Часть текста: and went straight to a shop where gold and silver articles were for sale. One could see from his very air that he was overwhelmed with business and had a terrible amount to do. Arranging to purchase a complete dinner- and tea-service for fifteen hundred roubles and including in the bargain for that sum a cigar-case of ingenious form and a silver shaving-set, and finally, asking the price of some other articles, useful and agreeable in their own way, he ended by promising to come without fail next day, or to send for his purchases the same day. He took the number of the shop, and listening attentively to the shopkeeper, who was very pressing for a small deposit, said that he should have it all in good time. After which he took leave of the amazed shopkeeper and, followed by a regular flock of shopmen, walked along the Arcade, continually looking round at Petrushka and diligently seeking our fresh shops. On the way he dropped into a money-changer's and changed all his big notes into small ones, and though he lost on the exchange, his pocket-book was considerably fatter, which evidently afforded him extreme satisfaction. Finally, he stopped at a shop for ladies' dress materials. Here, too, after deciding to purchase good for a considerable sum, Mr. Golyadkin promised to come again, took the number of the shop and, on being asked for a...
5. Dostoevsky. A Raw Youth (English. Подросток). Part I. Chapter VII
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Часть текста: so little more experienced, I should have had a misgiving that the least doubt in such cases must be taken as a bad sign, but another fact threw me out in my reckoning: I don't know what I was pleased about, but I felt awfully pleased, in spite of my being uncertain, and of my realizing distinctly that I had not come off with flying colours downstairs. Even Tatyana Pavlovna's spiteful abuse of me struck me as funny and amusing and did not anger me at all. Probably all this was because I had anyway broken my chains and for the first time felt myself free. I felt, too, that I had weakened my position: how I was to act in regard to the letter about the inheritance was more obscure than ever. Now it would be certainly taken for granted that I was revenging myself on Versilov. But while all this discussion was going on downstairs I had made up my mind to submit the question of the letter to an impartial outsider and to appeal to Vassin for his decision, or, failing Vassin, to take it to some one else. I ...