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1. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter II
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2. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part II. Chapter VIII
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3. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part IV. Chapter VI
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4. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part III. Book IX. The Preliminary Investigation. Chapter 6.The Prosecutor Catches Mitya
Входимость: 1. Размер: 21кб.
5. Достоевский Ф. М. - Неустановленному лицу, 5 декабря 1863
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6. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part II. Chapter X
Входимость: 1. Размер: 33кб.
7. А. Г. Достоевская. Воспоминания. Примечания
Входимость: 1. Размер: 194кб.

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1. Dostoevsky. The Insulted and Injured (English. Униженные и оскорбленные). Part III. Chapter II
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Часть текста: minutes, and I shall manage it! I've become quite a different person in these last four days, utterly, utterly different, and I'll tell you all about it. But that will be presently. The great thing now is that she's here. Her she is! Again! Natasha, darling, how are you, my angel!" he said, sitting down beside her and greedily kissing her hand. How I've been missing you all this time! But there it is! I couldn't help it! I wasn't able to manage it, my darling! You look a little thinner, you've grown so pale. . ." He rapturously covered her hands with kisses, and looked eagerly at her with his beautiful eyes, as though he could never look enough. I glanced at Natasha, and from her face I guessed that our thoughts were the same: he was absolutely innocent. And indeed when and how could this innocent be to blame? A bright flush suddenly overspread Natasha's pale cheeks, as though all the blood had suddenly rushed from her heart to her head. Her eyes flashed and she looked proudly at Prince Valkovsky. "But where... have you been so many days?" she said in a suppressed and breaking voice. She was breathing in hard uneven gasps. My God, how she loved him!" "To be sure I must have seemed to blame, and it's not only seeming, indeed! Of course I've been to blame, and I know it myself, and I've come knowing it. Katya told me yesterday to-day that no woman could forgive such negligence (she knows all that happened here on Tuesday; I told her next day) : I argued with her, I maintained that there is such a woman and her name is Natasha, and that perhaps there was only one other woman equal to her in the world and that was Katya; and I came here of course knowing I'd won the day. Could an angel like you refuse to forgive? 'He's not come, so something must have kept him. It's not that he doesn't love me!' - that's what my Natasha will think!...
2. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part II. Chapter VIII
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Часть текста: "Friends as many as you please, but allow me," interrupted the harsh voice of Lebedeff's nephew--" allow me to tell you that you might have treated us rather more politely, and not have kept us waiting at least two hours... "No doubt... and I... is that acting like a prince? And you... you may be a general! But I... I am not your valet! And I... I..." stammered Antip Burdovsky. He was extremely excited; his lips trembled, and the resentment of an embittered soul was in his voice. But he spoke so indistinctly that hardly a dozen words could be gathered. "It was a princely action!" sneered Hippolyte. "If anyone had treated me so," grumbled the boxer. "I mean to say that if I had been in Burdovsky's place... I..." "Gentlemen, I did not know you were there; I have only just been informed, I assure you," repeated Muishkin. "We are not afraid of your friends, prince," remarked Lebedeff's nephew, "for we are within our rights." The shrill tones of Hippolyte interrupted him. "What right have you... by what right do you demand us to submit this matter, about Burdovsky... to the judgment of your friends? We know only too well what the judgment of your friends will be! ..." This beginning gave promise of a stormy discussion. The prince was much discouraged, but at last he managed to make himself heard amid the vociferations of his excited visitors. "If you," he said, addressing Burdovsky--"if you prefer not to speak here, I offer again to go into another room with you... and as to your waiting to see me, I repeat that I only this instant heard..." "Well, you...
3. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part IV. Chapter VI
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Часть текста: the Epanchins' at which Princess Bielokonski was to be present, Varia had reported with accuracy; though she had perhaps expressed herself too strongly. The thing was decided in a hurry and with a certain amount of quite unnecessary excitement, doubtless because "nothing could be done in this house like anywhere else." The impatience of Lizabetha Prokofievna "to get things settled" explained a good deal, as well as the anxiety of both parents for the happiness of their beloved daughter. Besides, Princess Bielokonski was going away soon, and they hoped that she would take an interest in the prince. They were anxious that he should enter society under the auspices of this lady, whose patronage was the best of recommendations for any young man. Even if there seems something strange about the match, the general and his wife said to each other, the "world" will accept Aglaya's fiance without any question if he is under the patronage of the princess. In any case, the prince would have to be "shown" sooner or later; that is, introduced into society, of which he had, so far, not the least idea. Moreover, it was only a question of a small gathering of a few intimate friends. Besides Princess Bielokonski, only one other lady was expected, the wife of a high dignitary. Evgenie Pavlovitch, who was to escort the princess, was the only young man. Muishkin...
4. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part III. Book IX. The Preliminary Investigation. Chapter 6.The Prosecutor Catches Mitya
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Часть текста: SOMETHING utterly unexpected and amazing to Mitya followed. He could never, even a minute before, have conceived that anyone could behave like that to him, Mitya Karamazov. What was worst of all, there was something humiliating in it, and on their side something "supercilious and scornful." It was nothing to take off his coat, but he was asked to undress further, or rather not asked but "commanded," he quite understood that. From pride and contempt he submitted without a word. Several peasants accompanied the lawyers and remained on the same side of the curtain. "To be ready if force is required," thought Mitya, "and perhaps for some other reason, too." "Well, must I take off my shirt, too?" he asked sharply, but Nikolay Parfenovitch did not answer. He was busily engaged with the prosecutor in examining the coat, the trousers, the waistcoat and the cap; and it was evident that they were both much interested in the scrutiny. "They make no bones about it," thought Mitya, "they don't keep up the most elementary politeness." "I ask you for the second time -- need I take off my shirt or not?" he said, still more sharply and irritably. "Don't trouble yourself. We will tell you what to do," Nikolay Parfenovitch said, and his voice was positively peremptory, or so it seemed to Mitya. Meantime a consultation was going on in undertones between the lawyers. There turned out to be on the coat, especially on the left side at the back, a huge patch of blood, dry, and still stiff. There were bloodstains on the trousers, too. Nikolay Parfenovitch, moreover, in the presence of the peasant witnesses, passed his fingers along the collar, the cuffs, and all the seams of the coat and trousers, obviously looking for something -- money, of course. He didn't even hide from Mitya his suspicion that he...
5. Достоевский Ф. М. - Неустановленному лицу, 5 декабря 1863
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Часть текста: Вашего отчества (имя знаю, а отчества не знаю), а без имени и отчества русское обращение в письме невозможно. Не знаю и теряюсь в догадках, что можете теперь обо мне думать Вы и граф Толстой? Вы меня так радушно одолжили в Дрездене, а граф так искренно и прямо протянул мне руку, а я отсюда до сих пор ни слова. Но вот в чем дело: в Петербурге, по приезде, я пробыл только несколько дней, в хлопотах, и, узнав что жена моя, которая жила всё лето в Владимире, опасно заболела, поспешил к ней, намереваясь отвечать и Вам и графу из Владимира. Но дорогой я потерял мой саквояж, а с ним и письмо графа и все адрессы всех моих знакомых и здесь и за границей. Улицу и номер Вашего дома в Дрездене я забыл по чрезвычайно слабой моей памяти. Письма же мне хотелось послать так, чтоб не сомневаться, что верно дойдут. Я и отложил писать к Вам до возвращения моего в Петербург, рассчитывая, что возвращусь скоро. Но день за день уходили и приносили только новые хлопоты, явились дела в Москве, так что я только теперь, пять дней тому назад, успел воротиться в Петербург. Шмицдорф дал мне адресс,...
6. Dostoevsky. The Idiot (English. Идиот). Part II. Chapter X
Входимость: 1. Размер: 33кб.
Часть текста: at him inquiringly. "You do not care if he does?" added Evgenie Pavlovitch. "Neither do I; in fact, I should be glad, merely as a proper punishment for our dear Lizabetha Prokofievna. I am very anxious that she should get it, without delay, and I shall stay till she does. You seem feverish." "Never mind; by-and-by; yes, I am not feeling well," said the prince impatiently, hardly listening. He had just heard Hippolyte mention his own name. "You don't believe it?" said the invalid, with a nervous laugh. "I don't wonder, but the prince will have no difficulty in believing it; he will not be at all surprised." "Do you hear, prince--do you hear that?" said Lizabetha Prokofievna, turning towards him. There was laughter in the group around her, and Lebedeff stood before her gesticulating wildly. "He declares that your humbug of a landlord revised this gentleman's article--the article that was read aloud just now--in which you got such a charming dressing-down." The prince regarded Lebedeff with astonishment. "Why don't you say something?" cried Lizabetha Prokofievna, stamping her foot. "Well," murmured the prince, with his eyes still fixed on Lebedeff, "I can see now that he did." "Is it true?" she asked eagerly. "Absolutely, your excellency," said Lebedeff, without the least hesitation. Mrs. Epanchin almost sprang up in amazement at his answer, and at the assurance of his tone. "He actually seems to boast of it!" she cried. "I am base--base!" muttered Lebedeff, beating his breast, and hanging his head. "What do I care if...
7. А. Г. Достоевская. Воспоминания. Примечания
Входимость: 1. Размер: 194кб.
Часть текста: событием. Они были переведены на основные европейские языки - и с тех пор неизменно привлекаются советскими и зарубежными исследователями творчества Достоевского как первостепенной важности материал для изучения жизни и творчества писателя. Однако недостатком первого издания "Воспоминаний" являлось отсутствие в нем настоящего научного и справочного аппарата, историко-литературного комментария, столь существенного для книг мемуарного характера. Мемуары Анны Григорьевны давно уже библиографическая редкость. Публикация отрывков из них в двухтомном издании "Ф. М. Достоевский в воспоминаниях современников" (1964) возвратила читателю избранные страницы книг А. Г. Достоевской и вместе с тем еще раз подчеркнула необходимость переиздания мемуаров в возможно более полном виде. В настоящем издании "Воспоминаний", как и в первом издания (1925), полностью печатаются главы, непосредственно относящиеся к жизни Достоевского (начиная с 1866 по 1881 г.). В книгу включены также наиболее интересные главы, относящиеся к периоду до 1866 года (до встречи Анны Григорьевны с Достоевским) и ко времени после 1881 года (то есть после смерти писателя). В воспоминаниях до 1866 года Анна Григорьевна подробно рассказывает о своем детстве и юности, о своих родителях, окружении, родственниках - это нехитрая семейная хроника. Из раннего периода в настоящее издание впервые включены главы: "Мое появление на свет божий" и "Образование", выразительно рисующие обстановку, в которой...